/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Access Database
September 20, 2003 at 2:57 am #3959
i want to know, if it is possible to access a database like dBase or Access with formativ. I saw the example with MS Access. But for this example you need to install MS Access on your computer. Can i do it without any programs on the local maschine? If it is possible, do you have a example?
Thanks for help
Best Regads
September 21, 2003 at 4:45 pm #6714
You need to have database access services installed on your PC regardless of whether you are using Formativ or any other development tool. The only example I have is where we use Microsoft’s ADO (Active Data Objects) to access a JET (Access) database:
sub UpdateAcceptedSupportIssue(iMsg, iEvent, iEngineer) dim iADOObj dim iRST ' create a new instance of an ADO Connection object set iADOObj = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ' Did we get a handle to the ADO connection if not isobject(iADOObj) then call msgbox("Failed to create ADODB.Connection object.", vbCritical, "Support Example") else ' open the test data source with the Connection object iConnnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & SUPPORT_DATABASE iADOObj.Open iConnnectString ' Are we connected to the database? if err.number = 0 then ' Connected to the database - what do we want to do? We currently support ' accepting a new support incident, and completing (closing) an incident. select case iEvent ' Accept - Add a new record the SQL database case "GW#C#ACCEPT" iSQLString = "INSERT INTO Support(Incident,RequestedBy,Subject,ResponsibleEngineer,RequestedDate) VALUES ('"& iMsg.MessageID &"','"& iMsg.FromText& "','"& iMsg.Subject&"','" & iEngineer & "','"&SQLDate(Date)&"')" iADOObj.Execute(iSQLString) ' Complete (close) - Update the existing record in the SQL database case "GW#C#COMPLETE" iSQLString = "UPDATE Support SET CompletedDate='" & SQLDate(Date + 5) & "' WHERE Incident='" & iMsg.MessageID &"'" iADOObj.Execute(iSQLString) end select ' close and remove the Recordset object from memory iRST.Close set iRST = Nothing else msgbox err.description, vbCritical, IDS_CAPTION end if ' Close and remove the Connection object from memory iADOObj.Close end if set iADOObj = Nothing end sub
You can learn more about ADO from this link to Microsoft’s web site.
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
September 21, 2003 at 4:48 pm #6713Another example:
Dim iDlg HRT = Chr(13) & Chr(10) DB_NAME = Utilities.GetDataDirectory & "Test.mdb" const CAPTION = "Formativ Business Solutions" '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Mainline processing '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Main(Client, GWEvent) dim FSO Dim iADOObj on error resume next set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Do we have the database in place? if FSO.FileExists(DB_NAME) then ' create a new instance of an ADO Connection object Set iADOObj = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") if isobject(iADOObj) then ' open the test data source with the Connection object iConnnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & DB_NAME iADOObj.Open iConnnectString ' Are we connected? if err.number = 0 then ' Dialog IntroDlg select case iDlg.execute case Btn1 AddNewRecord(iADOObj) case Btn3 DisplayAllRecords(iADOObj) case Btn4 FindRecord(iADOObj) case Btn5 EditRecord(iADOObj) end select else call msgbox(err.description, vbCritical, CAPTION) end if ' Close and remove the Connection object from memory iADOObj.Close else call msgbox("Failed to create ADODB.Connection object.", vbCritical, CAPTION) end if Set iADOObj = Nothing else call msgbox (DB_NAME & " - not found.", vbCritical, CAPTION) end if set FSO = nothing End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Find and display a record in the database (e.g James). '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub FindRecord(byref iADOObj) dim iRST iRecordFound = FALSE ' create a Recordset object from a SQL string iSQLString = "SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Name='" & InputBox("Enter the name you want to find") & "'" Set iRST = iADOObj.Execute(iSQLString) Do Until (iRST.EOF) call msgbox("Name: " & iRST("Name") & HRT & "ID: " & iRST("ID"), vbInformation, CAPTION) iRST.MoveNext iRecordFound = TRUE Loop if not iRecordFound then call msgbox("No records found.", vbInformation, CAPTION) end if ' close and remove the Recordset object from memory iRST.Close Set iRST = Nothing end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Display all records in the database '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub DisplayAllRecords(byref iADOObj) dim iRST ' create a Recordset object from a SQL string iSQLString = "SELECT * FROM Employee" Set iRST = iADOObj.Execute(iSQLString) ' retrieve all the data within the Recordset object call msgbox("Displaying all records ...", vbInformation, CAPTION) Do Until (iRST.EOF) call msgbox("Name: " & iRST("Name") & HRT & "ID: " & iRST("ID"), vbInformation, CAPTION) iRST.MoveNext Loop call msgbox("End of data.", vbInformation, CAPTION) ' close and remove the Recordset object from memory iRST.Close Set iRST = Nothing end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Add a new record into database '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub AddNewRecord(byref iADOObj) dim rs Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' Declare variable to hold the _Recordset Object reference. ' Open Table1 in the database. Call rs.Open("Employee", iADOObj, 2, 3) ' Add new record in the Table1. Call rs.AddNew rs("ID") = InputBox("Enter ID") rs("Name") = InputBox("Enter Name") Call rs.Update call msgbox("Record added.", vbInformation, CAPTION) set rs = nothing end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Store existing records in a list box '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub StoreExistingRecordsDialog(byref iADOObj, byref iUpdateDlg, byref iListBox) dim iRST set iUpdateDlg = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog with iUpdateDlg .Caption = CAPTION .Title = "Exsiting records" .Description = HRT & "Select an existing record to update" end with set iListBox = iUpdateDlg.AddListBoxControl iListBox.Caption = "Records:" iSQLString = "SELECT * FROM Employee" Set iRST = iADOObj.Execute(iSQLString) Do Until (iRST.EOF) iListBox.items.add(iRST("Name")) iRST.MoveNext Loop iRST.Close Set iRST = Nothing end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' New records details dialog '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub UpdateExistingRecordDialog(byref iADOObj, aExtName) set iDlg = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog with iDlg .Caption = CAPTION .Title = "Update record" .Description = HRT & "Existing record: " & aExtName end with set iNewName = iDlg.AddEditControl iNewName.Caption = "Enter new name:" set iNewID = iDlg.AddEditControl iNewID.Caption = "Enter new ID:" ' If we press the Ol button to update if (iDlg.execute = Btn1) then if (iNewID.Text <> "") and (iNewName.Text <> "") then iSQLUpdate = "UPDATE Employee SET ID ='" & iNewID.Text & "', Name = '" & iNewName.Text & "' WHERE Name ='" & aExtName & "'" Set iRST = iADOObj.Execute(iSQLUpdate) call msgbox ("record updated.", vbInformation, CAPTION) else call msgbox("Empty fields not accepted.", vbInformation, CAPTION) call UpdateExistingRecordDialog(iADOObj, aExtName) end if end if end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Edit record '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub EditRecord(byref iADOObj) dim iUpdateDlg dim iListBox cExit = 999 cEditRecord = 201 cDisplayAllRecords = 101 Cmd = cDisplayAllRecords call StoreExistingRecordsDialog(iADOObj, iUpdateDlg, iListBox) do while Cmd <> cExit if Cmd = cDisplayAllRecords then select case iUpdateDlg.execute case Btn1 Cmd = cEditRecord case else Cmd = cExit end select end if if Cmd = cEditRecord then if iListBox.Selected <> "" then call UpdateExistingRecordDialog(iADOObj, iListBox.Selected) Cmd = cExit else call msgbox ("Select a record to update.", vbInformation, CAPTION) Cmd = cDisplayAllRecords end if end if loop end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Intro Dialog '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IntroDlg set iDlg = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog with iDlg .Caption = CAPTION .Height = 250 .Title = "Database Management" .Button1Caption = "&Add" .Button3Visible = True .Button3Caption = "&Display All" .Button4Visible = True .Button4Caption = "&Find Record" .Button5Visible = TRUE .Button5Caption = "&Update" .Description = HRT & "This applet will allow you to add a new record, display " &_ "all records or find a record in the database." & HRT & HRT &_ "Database: " & DB_NAME end with End Function
September 25, 2003 at 1:29 pm #6711Hi,
what can i say. P E R F´E C T Sample.
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards from Germany.
September 25, 2003 at 5:45 pm #6712Always happy to help.
Advansys Support
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