/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / GW Signatures Appear After Applet Disclaimer? / Reply To: GW Signatures Appear After Applet Disclaimer?

Support 1

    GroupWise automatically inserts the user signature after the message text but before the reply/forward marker, if any:

    ">>> "

    Notice that the marker ends in a space character.

    You can modify your applet to prefix the disclaimer with this marker. This should induce GroupWise to behave as desired.

    For an HTML-format disclaimer, you can hide the marker from normal view by enclosing it in a tag whose font color is white, or the font size is very small.

    Note: The behaviour described above applies to GroupWise 6.5x and below. You may need to test this strategy with GroupWise 7.x.

    I hope this helps you.

    Advansys Support