/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / eDirectory/NDS Management / Error on startup: TScript.Loadfromstream

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  • #3514

      I’m getting this error when I start GroupWise: TScript.Loadfromstream: Invalid Source File (which gives me a dialog box that lets me only click the OK button). After that, GroupWise starts up fine.

      However, my Applets, Run menu never populates. I should have ten to fifteen applets in the Run menu, but the list remains empty. Any suggestions as what might be wrong / how to fix it?


    • Author
    • #5318
      Support 3

        We haven’t receive any report about this issue.

        Could you please send the Formativ Configuration to support (support@advansyscorp.com). You can obtain the configuration by selecting Help | About Formativ… from the GroupWise main menu. When the About Formativ dialog appears, go to the Configuration tab and click the button Copy to clipboard. Then paste the text into your email (or save it to a plain-text file and include it as an attachment).

        Advansys Support



          Just wondering if this was ever resolved as we have the same problem for one (and only one) of our users.

          Support 3

            Thanks for your post.

            We have only received few reports about this behaviour and unable to reproduce in-house.

            Most likely the issue is environmental and could be relate to loading some specific applet.

            Could you please email your Formativ Configuration Information to Support (support@advansyscorp.com). You can access this via the main GroupWise menus: Help | About Formativ. When the ‘About Box’ appears, select the ‘Configuration’ tab. Press the ‘copy to clipboard’ button, then paste the contents of the clipboard into your reply.

            You can also use a process of elimination to determine the applet causing this problem. You can move all your Formativ applets to another folder then move one or some applets back to Formativ applets folder to reproduce the behaviour. You will need to restart GroupWise client for each test. You can use the Formativ Control Panel applet (Start – Control Panel – Advansys Formativ – Paths tab) to see the location of applets folder.

            Usually applets folder location:

            Windows XP: “C:Documents and SettingsUSER-NAMEMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativApplets”.
            Windows 7: “C:UsersUSER-NAMEDocumentsAdvansysFormativApplets


            Advansys Support



              I’m unfortunately unable to send any configuration information as our corporate network is not connected in any way to the Internet.

              We had found the offending applets causing the error, but I can’t see how it would be a problem with the applet since they work just fine for the rest of our 2999 employees. Just thought something on his account must not have been set up properly.

              Was just browsing for ideas and was hoping you’d already solved this for this other guy. We’ll figure it out. Thanks.

              Support 3

                Great, thanks for letting us know.


                Advansys Support

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