/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Receiver adress changes when running applet… :-(

  • Creator
  • #4145


      I’m using 1 (one) mailaccount (called databox) to receive mail with attachments which should be automaticly processed. The mail is send to various distribution-lists from which databox is one of the members.

      So mail send to CatsData or BudgetData is effectivly send to Databox, and my applet saves the attachment based on the receiveradres (which is the mailinglist CatsData) in the mail.

      So far, so good.

      When I send the mail to the fully qualified address, (CatsData@domain.com) the receiver-address is changed into databox@domain.com and my applet is not able to determine the original receiver, which causes the attachement not to be processed.

      If I put my own e-mail account(which is running without Formativ) in the mailinglist, the original receiver is still in the mail, and my name is in the BC-field. On the Databox account, the only address is databox in the To-field.

      Any help would be highly appreciated.


      Jeroen Gouma

    • Author
    • #7267
      Support 1a

        Thank you for your posting. Have you made any progress on this issue? Having Formativ installed does not change the addressing format used by GroupWise. Address formats are dictated by the way GroupWise is configured.

        If the email format is not sufficient, and you are unable to change your GroupWise configuration to fix it, you may need to change your approach. For example, you may be able to look for something in the subject.


        Advansys Support


          At the moment the issue seems to be fixed. There was a small logical mistake in my code. This could cause acting on the wrong recipient adress if the number of recipient-adresses was more then 1 (and the wanted adress was not on the first position).

          The applet is now reading a config from an access-database, and acting on recipient, and/or sender, and/or subject and/or attechement the attachement is saved in the correct directory where the correct application can pick it up and process.




          Originally posted by Support 1:
          Thank you for your posting. Have you made any progress on this issue? Having Formativ installed does not change the addressing format used by GroupWise. Address formats are dictated by the way GroupWise is configured.

          If the email format is not sufficient, and you are unable to change your GroupWise configuration to fix it, you may need to change your approach. For example, you may be able to look for something in the subject.


          Advansys Support

          Support 1a

            Thanks for the update.

            Advansys Support

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