/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Free Solutions from GroupWise Cool Solutions or Advansys / Opening FML file gives a Range Check Error

  • Creator
  • #5169

      We are integrating new sites and want them to open our GroupWise messages using the Message Viewer 2.0.2 version.

      Everything looks good, but when opening an FML file of a HTML email the user gets a Range Check Error message.

      Does the Message Viewer require any additional software i.e. a GroupWise Client to work?
      Could we force the FML files to be opened in Textmode instead of HTML mode?

    • Author
    • #9933
      Support 2

        Thank you for your post. The range check error may be caused by a workstation which has been running for a very long time without a reboot. Does rebooting the system resolve the issue?

        Is it happening on more than one workstation?

        Does the Message Viewer require any additional software i.e. a GroupWise Client to work?

        Apart from the documented system requirements for Message Viewer, no additional software, such as the GroupWise client, is required to view FML messages.

        Could we force the FML files to be opened in Textmode instead of HTML mode?

        No, this is not possible. If this is the same problem we’ve had reported on rare occasions in the past, it relates to an unusual environmental issue.

        Please let us know if you have any further questions and if the reboot resolves the problem.

        Kind Regards,

        Advansys Support


          Actually it happened on all workstations that we tried it on which are not running our modified company standard image.

          A reboot doesnt make any change.

          What can i do to troubleshoot it?

          Support 2

            Thanks for the additional information. To ensure we understand correctly, can you confirm that the problem does not appear when running on your modified company standard image?

            What workstation operating system are you running?

            In terms of troubleshooting, we need to gather more information. If the problem does not appear in your modified workstation environment, we need to identify the differences between standard and modified which may precipitate the issue.

            We can take this offline if you like and you can send the information to support AT advansyscorp.com. Once the cause and a solution is identified, we will update this post thread.

            Kind Regards,

            Advansys Support

            Support 2

              We have been advised that the customer resolved the issue by installing Advansys Message Viewer 2.0.3. Unfortunately we do not know why it solved this particular problem but we are noting it hear in case any other customer experiences the same issue.

              …we tried version 2.0.3 which worked and the non standard devices worked too.

              Kind Regards,

              Advansys Support

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