Thank you for the additional details and feedback. We can confirm that in addition to core search engine enhancements, we are certainly intending to add relevant GUI search extensions for the next major release, 2.0. We would like to do it earlier but our focus has been on fundamental export quality and also adapting to/testing minor GroupWise updates and of course, the major QA testing required for Bonsai, which is a timetable controlled by Novell.
With regard to the search issue you are experiencing, from your last post, the search function appears to be working as outlined in our previous post, where you need to enter first characters of the whole word you are looking for and then the wildcard, in other words, firstname* is the first part of the email address character string with the wildcard * appended. From your post it appears that this syntax is returning the results you expect.
If I search for lastname, the same email is not returned. If I search for, the email is NOT returned. In my mind, all 3 searches should produce the email I am looking for.
As these character strings, lastname and are not the first characters of the email address string, then the search engine cannnot return the results you seek. If you don’t restrict your search to a specific field, like [b]from:[b], in other words you do a general search for lastname or and they appear anywhere in other parts of a message as whole words, then these results would be returned.
You can also use other approaches to do the search with a combination of search operators, including specific field(s), for example:
Example 1: from:(firstname OR lastname AND
Example 2: from:((firstname AND lastname) or
Example 3: from:(firstname OR lastname or
Example 4: firstname AND lastname AND
Example 5: from:(firstname OR lastname or AND (firstname AND lastname)
The brackets in the examples help refine the search results. The first three examples are confined to the from field, the fourth example is an unrestricted field search and the fifth example uses a combination of techniques.
The next version of the search engine technology will have extended capabilities and will be able to have wildcards prefixed to text, like * This enhancement combined with the GUI extensions will offer more flexible searching. To take advantage of the new search technology, it is planned that you will be able to reindex your existing Archive To Go archives.
Kind Regards,
Advansys Support
[This message was edited by Support 2 on July 29, 2008 at 06:04 PM.]