/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / How to create a reply form?

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  • #4371

      Hi All

      I am a newbie to formative. Please tell me, how can I do the following:

      1. We wish to send users an email on GW and on their reply of THAT particular message ( perhaps we could use the subject as the identifier) we want to load a form that formats their reply that is sent to us.
      2. How can you deal with the users that do not login to Novell, but use their GroupWise clients, hence they do not get the applets?

      Question 1 has a far higher priority for us at this moment, thank you.

      Yasean Khan

    • Author
    • #7964
      Support 3


        1. We wish to send users an email on GW and on their reply of THAT particular message ( perhaps we could use the subject as the identifier) we want to load a form that formats their reply that is sent to us.

        You can use the Formativ “Mail – On reply” event and can display form, etc based on the message subject. See the “Developers Guide” for more information. You can view the available integrations from the Formativ IDE (Start Formativ IDE from the GroupWise toolbar, select an applet, click the Integrations tab, see Mail – Events). Once you set an event, you will need to re-start the GroupWise client.


        2. How can you deal with the users that do not login to Novell, but use their GroupWise clients, hence they do not get the applets?

        Formativ applets is based on the GroupWise client and need to be installed to the users machine. Applet can be executed regardless whether the user login to the Novell. Please provide more details if we misunderstood the issue.

        Advansys Support


          Thank you for the response. I will hunt down this “Developers Guide”,however I wish someone could paste a bit of code that searches in a subject, if possible? I will dig around in the mean time.

          Support 3

            The following code access the selected message subject and prompt if the special “[MARKER]” text exists in the subject.

            ' Mainline processing
            Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
              dim oMsg
              dim iSubject
              set oMsg = Client.clientstate.commandmessage
              if (not oMsg is nothing) then
                iSubject = oMsg.subject
                msgbox "Message subject: " & iSubject
                ' See the "Visual Basic Script Guide" for the instr function which you can access
                ' from the Formativ IDE Help menu.
                if (instr(1, iSubject, "[MARKER]", vbTextCompare) > 0) then
                  msgbox "Marker found."
                end if
              end if
              set oMsg = nothing
            End Sub

            You can set the Mail – “On Reply” event as explained earlier to execute the code on replying message.

            Advansys Support


              Thank you so much Advansys Support. Excellent work. This is really useful, and works really well.

              I really hate to ask for more handouts, however i am really struggling to find what other predefined variables I can call on
              such as: GroupWise.Account.Owner.DisplayName etc etc, where can I find more information on what variables i can call up? I have been trying the programmers chm guide (from your website.

              I have a simple task, which you have already helped me get 50% complete with your previous reply.

              We will send out a message from our “heat” (support system) and when a user click on reply, we want it to close their own view of a reply and load our form which has a maximum of 8 fields that they will fill out. These are then emailed to xyz@xxx.ac.za. The format of the reply is simply each field to be seperated by a | (pipe).

              If this is beyond the scope of the assistance we can request, I understand and perhaps a pointer at some examples would be a great help on:
              1. Create a new email with around 8 fields of data that would go in the body of the message
              2. Pull NDS fields into body of the message.



                Hi I hacked away at the TUT33 MIR example and can do eveything I need except how to close the original email window the user gets when they clicked on reply.. Do you wish me to paste the code for anyone else that may need it?


                Support 3

                  You can approach it by the following two ways:

                  Option 1: Cancel the GroupWise event that caused an applet to execute.
                  You can include the following line which will cancel the GroupWise event (i.e. message view will not display)

                  groupwise.CancelGroupWiseEvent = true

                  You need to change the “OnReply” event direction to “Before the GroupWise Event”. Click the arrow next to “OnReply” event to see the available direction.

                  Option 2: Close the mail window

                  Following code will close the window. It make sure the mail window is opened. Incorrectly calling the “CloseWindow” can result closing the GroupWise client window.

                    if (lcase(groupwise.EnvCurrentViewName) = "mail") then
                    end if

                  We will recommend to use the Option 1 because the user don’t have to see the mail window open and close. See the Formativ language Guide for more information about the available methods.


                  I really hate to ask for more handouts, however i am really struggling to find what other predefined variables I can call on
                  such as: GroupWise.Account.Owner.DisplayName etc etc, where can I find more information on what variables i can call up? I have been trying the programmers chm guide (from your website.

                  “GroupWise.Account” return the logged in user object. You can view the available methods/properties in the Novell Object API documentation: http://developer.novell.com/documentation/gwobjapi/index.html?gwobjenu/data/h7ikbsqg.html

                  Advansys Support


                    Thank you Support. It works beautifully. I really apprecciate the help. A job well done!

                    Support 3

                      Thanks for your feedback.

                      Advansys Support

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