/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Runtime / Formativ MenuItems not visable anymore in GW client 7 Sp1

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  • #3772


      I have just migrated my Client to 7 Sp1. But when I hide my “main menu” all formativ menuitems are gone, when i press the Arrow icon next to te Home TAB.

    • Author
    • #6116
      Support 3

        Could you provide steps to hide the “main menu” in GroupWise 7 and please provide more information about the “Arrow icon next to te Home TAB”.

        I look forward to hear from you.

        Advansys Support


          You can toggle the “display main menu” bij going to “Tools/Options/Environment/Appearance”. If you switch it off and you enable the “Display Nav bar” you don’t have a Menubar anymore but only the Navigation bar. On the left of this navigation bar you have an Icon that looks like a arrow pointing down. When you press that icon the Mainmenu navigation will popup. But without the formativ items.

          Support 3

            Thanks for your message.

            Unfortunately, we are unable to reproduce the behaviour on GroupWise 7.0.1 (build 27/07/2006, build number 422). Here is the steps we followed:

            • Uncheck “Display Main Menu” in Tools-Options-Appearance. Other settings:
              Schemes: Custom, Display Nav Bar = true, Display Main Toolbar = true
            • Close the dialog and Menubar not present (i.e. File, Edit, View, Actions, Applets, etc), only the Navigation bar exists.
            • Click ‘Arrow pointing down’ icon from the far left of the Nav Bar and select ‘Display Main Menu’ popup menu item.
            • GroupWise menu items displayed (i.e. File, Edit, View, Actions, etc).
            • Formativ menu items displayed (Applets).

            Please let us know if we have missed any steps. If our steps above is same as yours but the behaviour is different then we will recommend you to reinstall GroupWise or upgrade to the latest version.

            Hope this helps.

            Advansys Support

            [This message was edited by Support 3 on October 08, 2006 at 10:38 PM.]

            Support 3

              Formativ Studio 2.0.1 installed during the above test.

              Advansys Support


                Your steps are correct and have the same results at my side. but after your steps the Main menu bar is visable again. We like to work without the mainmenu bar. So preform your steps again until clicking on the “Arrow pointing down”.

                * Uncheck “Display Main Menu” in Tools-Options-Appearance. Other settings:
                Schemes: Custom, Display Nav Bar = true, Display Main Toolbar = true
                * Close the dialog and Menubar not present (i.e. File, Edit, View, Actions, Applets, etc), only the
                Navigation bar exists.
                * Click ‘Arrow pointing down’ icon from the far left of the Nav Bar

                At my side i have a list of items wich represent the same list as in the main menu bar (ie. File, Edit, View, Actions, Tools, Accounts, Window, Help and Display Main Menu) but “applets” is NOT available and so all the other items I programmed with formativ.

                Richard Willemsen.

                Support 3

                  We can reproduce the behaviour now.

                  Seems like GroupWise 7 failed to add 3rd party menu items into the drop-down menu list (‘Arrow pointing down’ icon from the far left of the Nav Bar). We need to investigate this issue further and may need to report this issue to Novell.

                  We will post any update in this thread.

                  Advansys Support

                  [This message was edited by Support 3 on October 09, 2006 at 10:35 PM.]

                  Support 3

                    We have reported this bug to Novell and they created the defect #212339. We don’t know yet when the fix will be available.

                    Advansys Support


                      this Behaviour has been fixed in SP2 Beta released 28-2-2007

                      Support 2

                        Yes, we have confirmed that too. Thanks for the feedback!


                        Advansys Support

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