/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Commercial Formativ Solutions by Advansys / Message Saver behavior question

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  • #4770

      I’ve created a program to work with Message Saver that creates all folders and adds the link to the locations file.

      I have one question about the behavior of Message Saver with the links. Mailbox, Sent Items, and other default folders just archive items when I highlight them. This is the behavior I want.

      Personal folders (inside the cabinet, etc) prompt the user to pick which symbolic link they want to file the item under. This is not the behavior I want.

      Currently I’m training users to work with it but I’d just like the items to be filed if there is a link. Is Message Saver supposed to work this way?


    • Author
    • #8977
      Support 1

        Thank you for your inquiry.

        You wrote: “adds the link to the locations file.” Are you referring to the applet constant SHARED_LOCATIONS?

        It should be possible to set up automatic resolution from a GroupWise folder to a specific location. This is true for personal folders as well as GroupWise system folders (Mailbox, Sent Items, etc). It sounds like your locations file has the correct settings for the system folders.

        Each location has a field representing the associated GroupWise folder, if any. Your program will need to ensure this field is defined for every GroupWise folder that you want to support.

        You may need to experiment with editing the locations file using Message Saver. To do so:

        • Start Message Saver while holding <Ctrl> down; this will open the Configuration Settings dialog.
        • On the Save Locations tab, select a location and click Edit… (or double-click the location); this will open the Folder Location Properties dialog.
        • The field “GroupWise folder” has a browse button “…” to the far right. Click this button to select the source folder associated with the target location.
        • Save your changes and close Message Saver.
        • Open the locations file using a text editor to see how Message Saver has formatted the location.

        I hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

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