/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Development of a COM aware program

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  • #4183


      Has anyone come across an applet that will

      1 – Open Groupwise(would need a valid logon to do this)
      2 – Run an “export” applet provided by Advansys using the new Formativ API, to export contacts to .nab file
      3 – Close GroupWise


    • Author
    • #7391
      Support 2

        Just a quick note of clarification. As a Formativ Applet can operate only when the GroupWise Client is running, an applet cannot be used to start nor close the GroupWise Client.

        You need to write an external COM capable application, say in VB, VBA, C++, C#, Delphi etc., in order to start the GroupWise Client, call the new Formativ API and then close GroupWise. However, if you wish to run the export frequently, it may be better to consider leaving the GroupWise Client running and just call the Formativ API when you wish to export the address book.

        There are a few alternatives, although all have specific advantages/disadvantages depending on your requirements and resource availability.

        Advansys could modify the Address Book export applet to operate automatically on GroupWise Client startup and provide a simple notification when the applet is finished. You would still need an external application which started and closed the GroupWise Client and monitored for applet completion. The only difference with this approach is that you would not need to call the Formativ API, which is probably of little if no benefit.

        Another alternative is to write an application which uses the GroupWise Object API to export the address book information into .NAB format. With this approach, while you would need the GroupWise Client installed, you would not require the GroupWise Client to be running. This approach would not use Formativ and you could not use the applet to which you refer, i.e. you would need to write the code to export the target Address Book to .NAB format. If you are using GroupWise 7, you could write an application which uses the server side SOAP API, which does not require the GroupWise Client. However, again, you would need to write the total solution.

        If we have misunderstood your question, please let us know. Alternatively, you may wish to contact Advansys directly to further discuss your requirements.


        Advansys Support


          thanks, could you also advice how groupwise client application can be closed using command prompt?

          Support 1a

            I don’t know of a command prompt application in Windows that can be used to kill a process. I suspect you would have to write a utility that located the GroupWise process and issued a request that it be shut down.


            Advansys Support


              Command ‘taskkill’ can be used to kill Groupwise based on image name.


              Support 1a

                Thanks for the information regarding taskkill. If it simply terminates a task you would have to be careful about possible mailbox corruption if GroupWise was busy at the time it was terminated.

                Advansys Support

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