This is related to my previous topic on not triggering the onsend event when posting a task.
I am using the sample code which Marco has provided:(thanks Marco)
posted January 28, 2004 03:55 AM
I’m using this code as a workaround:Set Msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
if (Msg.ClassName = “GW.MESSAGE.TASK”) then
if (Msg.BoxType = 3) then
‘ msgbox (“posted task”)
exit sub
end if
end ifThis works great for me, but when we distributed this code to some of our clients it did not work. For some reason Msg.BoxType returns 2 on some workstations and 3 on others. We are opening the exact same window by selecting posted task but it is returning a 2 on some workstations and 3 on others.
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