/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Creator / Formativ software installation

  • Creator
  • #3547

      Hello !
      Since we are testing formativ, you already change 4 time the software (bug fix).
      It is good to see that you keep your software up to date, but this is causing software distribution problem.
      We have 1500 users and they don’t have rights to install application, we would prefer to avoid your WISE script, even in silent mode.
      We use ZEN to distribute application.
      Rather than your partial ZEN axt, could you include complete AXT to distribute your software ?
      This would realy help us upgrading every time you give a patch.

    • Author
    • #5403
      Support 1a

        We are aware of the issues associated with the frequent release of maintenance updates, and recognise this can cause distribution issues.

        The reason a “low-level” AXT has not yet been made available is that certain aspects of the installation do not lend themselves well to a granular AXT installation. For example, GroupWise third party handler libraries requiring registration that can vary from machine to machine.

        Would you be interested in a ‘maintenance’ AXT file that ensured files were updated as opposed to installed and registered? This would probably be a simpler option that might go some way towards solving this issue. We would be interested to hear your feedback.

        Advansys Support


          Hello !
          If I understand, you like to keep the original (first installation) using your executable setup, but subsequent update would be done via NAL / AXT.
          This is already a VERY good step forward.
          We install all application using NAL (including Groupwise, and it also has a registration process when install via normal GW setup). So I guess the registration process that worry you for formativ, is not something that could not be automated.

          Support 1a

            Thank you for the feedback. We will look into creating an ‘update’ AXT file.


            Advansys Support


              Hello !
              Just checking if you have done any progress on AXT ?

              Support 1a

                An updated AXT file is scheduled to be completed just after SP1 of 1.5. This should happen in the next couple of months.

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