/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Commercial Formativ Solutions by Advansys / Anti-virus Message running Applets

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  • #4595

      I am trying the 30 day trial software and attempted to run the Multiple Signatures, Templates, and other applets. However, when I start them I get a Norton Anti-virus message that says it has detected a possible virus in the Groupwise executable file. Some applets I have tried seem to work fine.

      [This message was edited by EJE on June 06, 2002 at 01:59 PM.]

    • Author
    • #8500
      Support 2

        Yes, we run Norton AV too and can get the same message. The reason is that some applets, such as the Multiple Signatures etc., access the Windows file system (i.e. read files etc.) and Norton AV detects this operation. If you are running Norton AV 2002, you can choose to:

        1) Authorize the applet (script); or
        2) Disable script checking.

        Of course, if it is practical for your environment, number 1) is the definitely the preferred option.

        Please let us know if you have any further questions.


        Advansys Support


          Thank you for your response. I selected “Authorize Script” and the applet started to run. However, I got the following code error message:

          ‘Invalid command.
          EnvEditorStyle()’ is not a valid integer value at line 225, column 2

          Support 2

            Which version of the GroupWise 32-bit client are you running?


            Advansys Support


              I am testing this on a system with client version 5.5. But I have and can install client version 5.5 Enhancement Pack if that makes a difference. However, the back end is still 5.5 non-enhancement pack, and that won’t change as we expect to upgrade to 6.0 in about six months. Thanks.



                Originally posted by Support 2:
                Which version of the GroupWise 32-bit client are you running?


                Advansys Support

                I am also getting runtime errors on several other applets. All of them seem to reference: “Invalid command. EnvEditorStyle()’ is not a valid integer value at line…”

                Except for the “Anniversary” applet, for which I can not enter the number of years to repeat the anniversary. When I select the button to create the anniversary I get a message that asks me to enter the number of years, which I had already done. It then opens the form up again with all the information that I had entered except the number of years.

                Any thoughts? Thanks.


                  I hate to take up valuable space here, but I have more problems to report, and hope that you can answer them all at once. I tried setting up the “Stationary” applet, but when I save the code I get a message that says that there are XML markers that need to be changed. When I give the go ahead to change the markers it saves the code but it will not run. Is there something else I need to have installed, or does this product only work on client 5.5 EP or 6? I am very interested in the program and some of the applets. But if I have to become a programmer to make it work, then it is out of my league. My code skills are very limited. Thanks.

                  Support 2

                    We recommend that you do upgrade to the GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack client. This should provide better HTML support and it will provide any updated GroupWise client APIs which may be required.

                    Which Windows operating system are you using?


                    Advansys Support


                      Windows 98 with the most recent NetWare Client and I downloaded Microsoft’s VB Scripting just a few days ago when I first downloaded the Formativ evaluation software.

                      I will try it on a 5.5 EP workstation.



                        The EP client took care of the code error messages, but I am still having the same problem with the “Anniversaries” and “Stationary” applets.

                        Support 1a

                          We have responded to this enquiry via direct email. An updated anniversary applet that fixes this problem will be posted to the CoolSolutions web site ASAP.

                          Advansys Support

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