• Creator
  • #4271

      Hi Advansys Team

      Is there a way (or if not, could it be a feature ehencement) to transfer a bigger quantity of data than ‘Utilities.TransferData’ does.

      For some of my applets we download, from a SQL database, 8000 lignes to 3 or 4 arrays.
      These arrays are used in 3 differents applet called one by one.
      Actualy, i need to download 3 times. Bad way when the station is far from office !

      Sure we could write once these informations on disk… but i’d rather in memory.


      L.P. Irovetz
      Arcane Groupware

    • Author
    • #7678
      Support 1

        Dear L.P.,

        Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Have you found a specific maximum size limit (in bytes)?

        I am not aware of a limit to the capacity of Utilities.TransferData, and short of updating Formativ, I do not know of a way to increase this capacity. However, I will add your request to our enhancement database for Formativ.

        For the moment, I think the only alternative is to download the data once, save to a disk file and make the file available to all relevant applets. If security is a consideration, use Utilities.DESEncryption() to encrypt the data before saving to a file.

        Advansys Support



          it’s not a ‘size’ problem, it’s because
          “Utilities.TransferData is a read/write property that accepts string data” (from your doc)

          It’s difficult and time consuming to transform thousand of data from arrays in a string and retrieve them a applet latter.

          I’d rather work with such as “globals” variables, initialize(in term of “Dim” vb instruction) at GW startup. These Globals will could be used at any time by any applet and could be any type. (even object, but i dream) Wink

          I think it’s an extension of your “TransferData”, not limited to string.

          L.P. Irovetz
          Arcane GroupWare

          Support 1

            Dear L.P.,

            Thank you for the clarification.

            Your request has been added to the Formativ enhancements database.

            Advansys Support

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