• Creator
  • #4466


      Our company is about to upgrade to the GroupWise 2012 client which has recently made it out of beta into full release.

      I note in the product page of the Formativ Runtime and Formativ Creator (which is what I have installed) that it supports Groupwise Client 8.0.1 or later. I would presume that Groupwise 2012 should fall into this category is it is in fact a later release than Groupwise Client 8.0.1.

      However after updating from 8.0.1 to GW 2012, the client crashed after starting groupwise and then selecting the Formativ button in the header to start the creator client. This presented me with a dialog with Title:


      Containing dialog text:

      The class definition file c:PROGRA~1AdvansysFormativmsgclass12_.txt could not be found.

      After pressing OK to this error dialog an access violation error occurs with the text:

      Access Violation at address 06CD6A80 in module ‘formativ.dll’. Read of address 00000008.

      Prior to upgrading to GW 2012, I had a license for Formativ Creator (v2.5.0.0 with audit code 1110251FDC83) installed in Groupwise Client 8.0.1

      My current Groupwise Client Version is:

      Program Release : 12.0.0 17/01/2012
      Build Number : 98586
      Installed Languages: EN JA

      Is there any action I can take to resolve this issue?

      Kind Regards,

      Jason Child

    • Author
    • #8245

        Hi, just posting an update for my above question re GW 2012.

        After reading the error message and checking the Program FilesAdvansysFormativ directory I noticed that there were a number of msgclass<version number>_0.txt files. I copied / cloned the “msgclass8_0.txt” file and re-named it to “msgclass12_.txt”.

        This fixed my issue and the formativ creator is once again functioning in groupwise 2012. I realise that this might be a temporary work/around and just wondering if this is an accepted fix for my problem? or is there a newer version of this class file available for download? or is the GW 2012 still not yet officially supported (despite the product information page stating that it supports 8.0.1 and later)?

        Kind Regards,

        Jason Child

        Support 2

          Hi Jason,

          Thanks for the feedback. Your work-around is correct and we’ll be finalising a formal update after tests with the GroupWise release code are completed, which should be within 6 to 8 weeks. There is likely to be a beta download during this period. It is correct that GW 2012 is not yet officially supported for Formativ until this update is released. We’ll be updating the information our site soon to reflect these plans.

          Kind Regards,

          Advansys Support



            Great, thanks for the confirmation of the work around, I look forward to an update with the release version of this class file that supports GroupWise 2012.

            Also, I just wanted to take the opportunity to congratulate you all on the support of these forums. I have asked a number of questions over the past month or so and even if the answers haven’t always been to my delight, at least I have received feedback which has enabled me to develop solutions effectively. Well done on a great job guys, keep up the good work!



            Support 2

              Thanks Jason, we very much appreciate your feedback.



                We are waiting for a GW 2012 Update. We can not rollout the new client, because our Formativ Workflows do not run on GW 2012.

                Is there a update plan?


                Rolf Ziegler

                Originally posted by Support 2:
                Hi Jason,

                Thanks for the feedback. Your work-around is correct and we’ll be finalising a formal update after tests with the GroupWise release code are completed, which should be within 6 to 8 weeks. There is likely to be a beta download during this period. It is correct that GW 2012 is not yet officially supported for Formativ until this update is released. We’ll be updating the information our site soon to reflect these plans.

                Kind Regards,

                Advansys Support

                Support 2

                  Hi Rolf,

                  Thanks for your message. Yes, there is a plan. Unfortunately, for a range of reasons, the project timeline has extended well beyond our expectations. The release of our Advansys RecollX for Skype product in the next two weeks will enable us to diversify into a growing market, which in turn will help us to continue servicing the changing GroupWise market.

                  …because our Formativ Workflows do not run on GW 2012

                  Could you please provide more details on what you mean by Formativ Workflows? Have you written custom solutions which no longer work? What type of problems are you experiencing?

                  Kind Regards,

                  Advansys Support



                    I write custom solutions which no longer work with GW2012. We are using xml-Code to send Data and to show Input Forms. In GW2012, the form will not be shown. Only the xml-Mail is viaible. In GW 8 and before, the code works well. I’have this code to show up the form:

                    ‘No Trigger – we create a new NewUser-Dialog
                    case “NULL”

                    ‘someone opens the message – the UI will be recreated
                    case “GW#C#OPEN”
                    set oClient = Client
                    set iMsg = oClient.ClientState.CommandMessage



                    The Case “Null” is working, but the recreation of the UI fails.

                    This is a part of the function “OpenNewUserMsg”:

                    ‘ Show the NewUser Dialog with the parameter filled in by the customer
                    Sub OpenNewUserMsg(Client)

                    Dim iDom
                    dim iDoc
                    dim erg
                    dim iMsg

                    on Error Resume Next

                    set iMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage

                    if iMsg is Nothing then
                    Exit Sub
                    end if

                    ‘Create a XML Document
                    set iDom = Utilities.XMLDom
                    set iDoc = iDom.Document
                    set iDoc.async = “false”

                    ‘Load the xml string in to xml Document

                    ‘Load the Nodes into the appriopriate fields on the form
                    NewUser.NUNachname.Text =iDoc.getElementsbyTagName(“Nachname”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUVorname.Text = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Vorname”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUAbteilung.Text = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Abteilung”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUEintritt.Date = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Eintritt”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUNetzwerk.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Netzwerk”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUTextverarbeitung.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Textverarbeitung”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUExcel.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Excel”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUSonstiges.Text = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Sonstiges”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUAS400.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“AS400”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUProfid.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Profid”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUOntime.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Ontime”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUFinanz.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Finanz”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUCompas.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Compas”).item(0).text
                    NewUser.NUP400.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“P400”).item(0).text


                    I think, there is a problem with GW2012, Formativ and XML.

                    Have you any ideas?


                    Rolf Ziegler

                    Originally posted by Support 2:
                    Hi Rolf,

                    Thanks for your message. Yes, there is a plan. Unfortunately, for a range of reasons, the project timeline has extended well beyond our expectations. The release of our Advansys RecollX for Skype product in the next two weeks will enable us to diversify into a growing market, which in turn will help us to continue servicing the changing GroupWise market.

                    …because our Formativ Workflows do not run on GW 2012

                    Could you please provide more details on what you mean by Formativ Workflows? Have you written custom solutions which no longer work? What type of problems are you experiencing?

                    Kind Regards,

                    Advansys Support

                    Support 2

                      Hi Ralf,

                      Thanks very much for the detailed response. We’ll see if we can replicate the issue prior to finalizing the GW 2012 Formativ update. As we have not been advised by Novell of an API change which may precipitate this issue, the resolution may eventually involve collaboration with the GroupWise engineering team, particularly if it happens to be an inadvertent change to the GroupWise APIs.

                      In the mean time, to help isolate the issue to the XML processing, can you try OpenNewUserMsg without the XML and advise us of the result?

                      Kind Regards,

                      Advansys Support



                        I changed a small Workflow by adding Trace-Messages. So it seems not to be a XML-Issue. I think, it’s a problem with the GW Integration. Because, when i receive the message and i should get an “GW#C#OPEN” Event, Formativ seems not to start.

                        Here is my sample Code:

                        Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

                        1 MsgBox “Trace: Before Select”
                        select case GWEvent

                        case “NULL”

                        2 MsgBox “NULL”
                        Antrag.fDatum.Text = Date
                        Antrag.fErsteller.Text = GroupWise.Account.Owner.DisplayName

                        ‘someone opens the message – the GUI will be recreated
                        case “GW#C#OPEN”

                        3 MsgBox “Trace: GW#C#OPEN”
                        set oClient = Client
                        set iMsg = oClient.ClientState.CommandMessage


                        Under GW 8 and before: all MSGBOX’s do appear. The first and second appear, when i create the form. The third MSGBOX, when i get the Form (sent before) and the mail will be forwarded to Formativ.

                        Unter GW 2012: I get the first and second MSGBOX when i create the form. When i open the Mail i sent before, i get no MSGBOX, so i think, that the integration does not work.

                        Thanks for your Help

                        Rolf Ziegler

                        Support 2

                          Hi Rolf,

                          Thanks very much for the additional information, which should help troubleshoot the cause. While we were not notified of GroupWise C3PO changes at this level, it is quite possible that something has changed in the GroupWise 2012 client which has broken one of their APIs.

                          We will use this information when reviewing the outstanding changes required for GroupWise 2012 and also notify Novell at that time. We will let you know once we learn of the cause and the anticipated solution.

                          Kind Regards,

                          Advansys Support

                          Support 3
                            I think, it’s a problem with the GW Integration. Because, when i receive the message and i should get an “GW#C#OPEN” Event, Formativ seems not to start.

                            Our engineers unable to reproduce this behaviour with GroupWise 2012 SP1 (Version 12.0.1 build date 07/09/2012).

                            We have created following test applet to show event in a message box:

                            Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                              msgbox GWEvent
                            End Sub

                            Then we integrate the applet to following events (Formativ IDE – Integrations tab):

                            – GroupWise Application: “On Message arrival”
                            – Mail: “OnOpen”

                            On opening message we see “GW#C#OPEN” and on message arrival “GW#E#1”.

                            Please make sure you are running the latest point release of the GroupWise 2012 client, you can find latest point release from here: http://download.novell.com/patch/finder/

                            Do you see the same behaviour with GroupWise 2012 SP1?


                            Advansys Support



                              I have tested my workflows with GW 2012 SP1. Now it’s working.


                              Rolf Ziegler

                              Support 3

                                Great news, thanks for letting us know.


                                Advansys Support

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